Friday, February 17, 2012

Making a difference: Human Trafficking

Last week, the director of our women's ministry, Brenda, came to share the heart behind the Pure Religion 5K on March 24 where we will have our Cupcake Kids sale.

She shared what human trafficking IS--the use of someone against their will for someone else's pleasure--modern day slavery. It's rampant. It's not just in other countries. Unfortunately, it's in our back yards. The industry it feeds destroys lives and homes.

Here is an article about some startling truths of human trafficking right here in America--at an all American tradition--the Super Bowl, of all things.

Does this give you incentive to:
  • PRAY about this plague
  • sign up for the 5K
  • PRAY about the ministries the 5K is supporting
  • invite all your peeps to sign up for the 5K
  • PRAY about how you can create awareness
  • start baking those cupcakes
  • PRAY about the cupcake sale?!?!
Get busy! We CAN make a difference.

Pass it on...