Wednesday, September 19, 2012

First Week of Study!

What a great first week of study! We had a great time learning everyone's names and learning more about Nehemiah and all the characteristics that he holds. We loved coming together and fellowshiping with all the moms in the morning. Thanks to Sherry for sharing her testimony for our worship section. I loved learning about how the Mother Moose has to run away for the child to learn to survive. Here is what I was greeted with when picking up my son after study.
My Little Moose! We enjoyed learning about Nehemiah's character in the story and how we should strive for these attributes in this journey of being a mother. Here is a great song about the names of God.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

What are the chances they made MOOSE?!?! I tell ya what...God is in the details! Loved today and love this song. Worshipping to it this afternoon. Thanks for taking reigns and posting, Imo!