The Lord laid it on Caroline's heart to say, "Hannah! IIIIIIII will create a custom art piece incorporating scripture and IIIII will come share and teach your group how to create that piece." It was an amazing answer to prayer and above or beyond anything our minds could've conjured up!
So, I shared the idea with the women's ministry at our wonderful church and they not only were thrilled about the idea but wanted our Bible Study, mom's Heart to Heart to host it for alllllll the Women of Central.
Well, Thursday night was THE night and it was so fun to. There was something so refreshing about getting out of the "mom bubble" and being able to spend an evening with women of all ages and all walks of life. I was able to sit at a table with a beautiful, spunky lady in her 70s that reminded me sooooo much of my grandmother and I loved every minute. The only thing better would have been if my grandmother could have been there, too!
I was so busy that I didn't get many pictures but Musing Foodie catered a FABULOUS baked potato bar and smores bar and Caroline created a mixed media piece incorporating a choice of three scriptures.
- Women of Central theme verse: "For we are to God the fragrance of Christ." 2 Corinthians 2:15
- Roof with a View theme verse: "What I tell you in the darkness, speak in the light; and what you hear whispered in your ear, proclaim upon the housetops." Matthew 10:27
- Mom's Heart to Heart Study of James theme verse: "Consider it all joy, brethren, when you encounter various trials" James 1:2
One girl who happens to be an art teacher got REAL fancy with it! Whoooo would've thought of a bird cage?!?!?
...and HOW about this BABY that could be our RWAV theme picture!?!!? I LOVE it!
Caroline took a TON of pictures and will be putting them on her blog soon so be sure to head over there to see them! Let's hear it for GIRL'S NIGHT OUT!!!!!
Any of you girls that were there and want to show and tell, send me your creations to roofwithaview (at) gmail (dot) com!
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